Recognize Your Right to Quality Representation

Our commitment is to our clients. We vigorously represent you to ensure you have the quality legal representation you deserve.


Family law is the most contentious type of law. It is an understatement to say it is stressful on a party when dealing with the courts, child support services, Office of Children's Safety (OCS), or any other entity regarding your children or property. This will likely be one of the most emotionally draining times of your life and you may need help.  Our approach to practicing law is to work with you and the other party to reach an amicable agreement while, to the greatest extent possible, still allowing you to have an amicable relationship with the other party. Cooperation is key and something we strive to obtain from the other party.  However, if an agreement cannot be reached, we will vigorously advocate for you in and out of court. We are extremely familiar with the procedures and courts if your case has to go to trial. Our firm has tried cases in Anchorage, Palmer, Utqiagvik, Bethel, Glennallen, Kodiak, and other areas throughout Alaska.

Areas of practice include but are not limited to divorce, domestic partnerships, prenuptial agreements, child custody, child support, domestic violence protective orders, property and custody modifications, representation before CSED, and other areas.


The quickest way to complete an adoption is to obtain the other parent’s consent. We have successfully represented many people in doing so. In Alaska, a private adoption can be granted without the other parent’s consent under certain circumstances. However, the burden to overcome the other parent’s constitutional right to prevent the adoption is very high. We have successfully tried numerous adoption cases where we convinced the court that the other parent’s consent was not required by law.

When the Office of Children’s Services (“OCS”) has terminated parental rights, we help people adopt or obtain a guardianship over a child that is in OCS custody. Over the years of doing many of these cases, we have created a process to quickly complete the adoption so that the child can quickly and legally be your child and out of OCS custody.

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